1. Extend without buying the source code from an another plugin.
  2. Postman collection included for ease of development.
  3. Swagger documentation & user guide.
  4. Response compression and server side caching for fast response.
  5. Multi-store supported. Single plugin for multiple applications across multiple stores.
  6. Multi-layered authentication.
    • No access tokens are saved in the database. Just token GUID is stored for refresh tokens.
    • Configurable JWT secret key.
    • Unique API keys for each application.
  1. Feature to enable request & response logging. View and analyse request & response.
  2. Out of box support for refresh token mechanism.
  3. Maintenance option to delete expired tokens to free-up database space.
  4. Out of box support for nopCommerce customer activity logs.
  5. Administrator have complete control.
    • See a list of active customer tokens with friendly search & filters.
    • Revoke any customer token(s) to unauthorized them.
  1. Configurable development mode.
    • All methods that doesn't require a signed in user (users with access token) will work without the API key.
    • No guest users are created and no access token(s) are created.
    • "builtin@search_engine_record.com" customer record is used out of the box.
  1. Guest customer migration supported.
  2. Complete coverage of nopCommerce front-end methods.
    • 170+ API methods.
    • Supports customer impersonation.
    • Idle for mobile applications, front-end website on different platforms.
  1. Free upgrades for 1 year since date of purchase.