Once you click on the Configure menu item, It will display the configuration page as shown in the image below.

The above settings are explained below:

  • Minimum order amount: Set minimum order amount to avail COD option. This applies only on the order subtotal.
  • Maximum order amount: Set maximum order amount to avail COD option. This applies only on the order subtotal.
  • Additional Fee. Use Percentage: Enable it to apply an additional percentage fee on the order total. If it is disabled, a fixed amount will be added to the order total.
  • Additional Fee amount: Defines additional fees for using the COD option. It will be shown on the payment method & cart details.
  • Shippable product required: Enable if you want to avail COD option only when all products in the cart are shippable.
  • Skip payment information page: Enable it to skip the payment information page.
    • Payment information description: To provide information that will be displayed on the payment info tab after checkout when the customer selects payment method as “Cash on delivery” as shown in the image below.