Once you click on the Add new customer role wise configuration button, it will display the role-wise configuration pop-up as shown in the image below.

  • Published: Click the published button to publish the role-wise configuration.
  • Customer role: Admin can configure the settings per customer role or common for all customer roles so the look and feel or settings of the admin website can be applied as per configuration for the configured customer roles. 
  • Admin mini logo: This setting allows the user to set the logo for the admin when the admin menu is slider left. 
  • Admin large logo: This setting allows the user to set the logo for the Top-left corner of the admin panel.
  • Admin theme type: Selected an admin theme type for your admin panel.
    • Predefined theme: If this option is selected, then you can select the themes which are added default by us. 
      • Admin theme: In this dropdown, you can see the pre-defined themes. 
    • Custom theme: If this option is selected, you can customize your admin panel as per your requirements. You can set primary color, secondary color, and font color as per your choice.